Who is ready to party? Great, I was hoping you were. Now, close your eyes for a second. I know you can’t read if your eyes are closed but go with it. I’ll wait. Actually, nevermind. You need to read this first.
Let’s explore how Escape Games Live can help you throw the bestest party for any occasion. Because whatever it is, we truly have a party for that.
Let’s Talk Your Basic Party
Think of an upcoming occasion that you want to throw a party for. Maybe you want to surprise someone for an anniversary. Or a birthday, Bat Mitzvah, holiday party, work event… Guess what? Those are all things that we have hosted here at Escape Games Live. But for now, let’s think bigger, not in size but scope.
How About Something Unique?
What if you had a gender reveal party where you played an Escape Room and the final answer was not a key, but the gender reveal? Or how about a secret engagement with a ring hidden in the room?
Where We Come in
Escape Games Live is continuing to evolve by becoming an entertainment emporium with expanded party options to fit any celebration. While we have and continue to throw the best darn birthday and anniversary parties, as well as retirement celebrations and work events, we are limitless when it comes to our celebration. If you are excited about it, we are excited about it.
Keep Thinking Parties!
I’ve already gone into the details of our private parties, you can check that out here. What I want you to do now, is expand your thinking on what you can celebrate. Think about a wedding rehearsal gathering, playing games and getting to know new family members. Announcing a promotion at work, finishing all of the Marvel Cinematic movies in one sitting, heck quitting smoking. We can make your event or announcement that much more special.
In the end, I just want you, maybe with your eyes closed, to think about special moments in your life and how using our entertainment options could make that moment better. Once you have something in mind, let us help you plan an event for your event that will be an event that makes everyone say “man, what an amazing event.” In the event you feel I have used the word “event” an egregious amount at the end here let me assure you that it is only in regards to my excitement that your event be an awesome event. In any event, come see us about your event.